Sunday, March 1, 2015

Be Human, Be Honest, Be Real: A New Era in Content

I am a big fast-forwarder. I almost never watch commercials. In fact I am not the only one. 84 percent of millenials don't trust traditional advertising at all. But lately I admit I've been breaking my own "watch no commercial" rule. Did you see the #LikeAGirl piece at this year's Super Bowl? The commercial asks "When did 'like a girl' become an insult?" This video produced by Always has 56 million views. This is not a commercial for Always products. This is much more than that. #LikeAGirl is a powerful critique on the way we put girls down with every day language. "Like a girl" shouldn't have a negative connotation but it does. The brand Always wants to change that. I would buy their products just because I think this message is absolutely important. I can imagine women all over the country are voting with their wallet as well.

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