Friday, April 10, 2015

Does the Mobile Hit Game Clash of Clans Solve a Human Need in China?

Did you happen to see Liam Neeson’s Super Bowl commercial for Clash of Clans? The numbers say you probably did. The one-minute spot featured the gravel-voiced Irish thespian self-parodying his popular character from the Taken franchise, swearing vengeance upon “BigBuffetBoy85” after watching his disastrously unsuccessful in-game defenses crumble. It’s a clever ad, and a very funny one, even for non-gamers. But clever and funny alone do not rake in 46 million views on YouTube. The game was already so insanely popular, the commercial didn’t actually give it much of a bump in downloads. It was both a high-profile tool intended to drive new business and a victory lap for the company. The clever marketers behind the most watched Big Game ad of the year likely agree that the success of that commercial is because the game is a veritable phenomenon. Clash of Clans has impressed the games world in terms of cultural impact, market penetration, and financial success. This is great news for Supercell, the Finland-based video game company responsible for the massive multiplayer online mobile game. Angry Birds, Rovio’s hit game also developed in Finland, paved the way for casual game success at such levels. Thanks to the startling success of its products, Supercell was making USD $2.4M each day by April 2013. More recently, however, a hacker gave the public a peek behind the curtain at the company’s finances. According to screenshots reposted by the tech news site re/code, the company was making USD $5.15 M per day by February 2014, an increase of more than 100% in less than a year. Although it is unclear how much of this revenue comes from Clash of Clans and how much from Supercell’s other two blockbuster titles, Hay Day and Boom Beach, CoC is easily the most popular of the three. On March 20th, 2015, CoC was the single highest grossing iPhone game in the United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Singapore, the Netherlands, Italy, Russia, France, and Germany—it was also #4 in Sweden and #2 in South Korea. On March 20th in China, however, the game ranked #17. This is not quite an apples-to-apples comparison, since of the top 20 highest grossing iPhone apps in China, only three are produced by non-Chinese companies. In the notoriously difficult-to-enter Chinese market, CoC has enjoyed a unique level of success, just as it has on the global stage. (CoC’s fellow Supercell behemoth Boom Beach clocks in at #11.) In February 2015 my company, Niko Partners, conducted a mini-survey to better ascertain what consumer needs the game has succeeded at filling as part of an effort to understand CoC’s success at penetrating the Chinese market. We surveyed 438 Chinese CoC players to understand how they interact with the game, and how gamer behavior has increased revenue for the title. It is our hope and intention these insights will empower other game creators planning to enter the Chinese market. Clash of Clans is, first and foremost, a very popular title in China. To confirm this, we screened 939 gamers to see which of them played, or had an immediate household family member who played, the game. This yielded the 438 participants qualified to participate in the survey. That is to say 46.7% of respondents are, or are immediately related to, a CoC gamer. This unusually strong participation rate evinces the popularity of this game among Chinese digital gamers. Many of the survey’s findings affirm the game’s popularity across a variety of metrics. To take just one, the game turns out to have notable longevity: 17.8% of gamers in our sample have played for more than 12 months, 13% have played for 6-12 months, 33% for 3-6 months, and 35.7% started within the past 3 months. We also discovered CoC is popular regardless of platform (iOS or Android) or device (phone or tablet). Just to put things into context, when Niko compared data from the CoC survey with one of the quarterly gamer surveys we conducted in 2014, we discovered that had CoC been included in that survey CoC would have been catapulted to the #3 rank of our mobile games list as ranked by gamer declaration of what they play, regardless of iOS or Android. Typically, games are popular only on one form factor; it is less common to be popular on both. Furthermore, gameplay is free, an obviously attractive factor; but additional in-game advantages can be purchased, a tiered model commonly referred to as “freemium,” which appeals to gamers willing to spend a modicum of capital. Yet another measure of the games popularity is the enthusiasm with which gamers record and watch videos of gameplay. One of the features in CoC is it offers gamers the ability to study a replay of a prior attack or watch livefeed of an attack in action. According to Niko’s Chinese survey data, 56% of the gamers take advantage of this video feature. There’s no denying the popularity of CoC videos. Of the 20 games that account for the most-watched gaming videos on YouTube, CoC clocked in at #9 and was one of only two mobile games to even crack the list. CoC has far higher video usage than other casual titles, yet still far lower than hard-core games such as Riot’s League of Legends. While a fort raid is obviously more fun to watch than, say, a recording of someone playing King’s Candy Crush (though there probably is an audience that enjoys watching slo-mo replays of three lemon drops exploding — it’s a big Internet, after all), these videos are not only entertaining They can also educate devoted players on the best ways to advance in the game, and generate revenue for more successful players. Gamers tune in to CoC videos to learn techniques, get step-by-step tutorials, and observe gameplay in action, much like devoted hard-core gamers tune into videos of DoTA 2 and League of Legends. If a CoC gamer posts content to YouTube or other Chinese video sites that takes off, they can receive a portion of the advertising revenue. But beyond demographics, beyond video replays, and beyond the time-tested “freemium” pay structure, we wanted to understand exactly why the game works as well as it does. Digital entertainment fills a void for consumers, and if we can figure out where these voids are, we can predict what characteristics contribute to a successful game. Clash of Clans owes much of its success to the fact that it rewards intense strategizing and heavy time investment, which make cooperative gameplay particularly attractive. The game stokes camaraderie; gamers help each other by forming clans and tag-team building their defensive strategies. In the United States at least some of the clans are comprised of fathers and their children, and we wanted to see if this behavior was mirrored by Chinese gamers. After all, there are few games that offer the opportunity for fathers and sons to team up in cooperative gameplay. The data from our survey supports a hypothesis that Chinese gamers crave entertainment that allows parents and their children, or a set of real-world friends, to cooperate and bond. We believe one of the reasons CoC is so popular in China is that this game plays to the strengths of gamers playing together when they are familiar with each others’ tactics, styles, and strategies. When we analyzed the breakdown of players along age demographics, we discovered that the game spoke to players of all brackets–from under 12 to over 35—and each segment in between. But while the most popular age bracket was 22-29, which netted 26.6% of participants, the second highest bracket was, interestingly, 35-and-up at 21.2%. We believe it’s likely that this unusual skewing towards older players is indicative of parents playing in a clan with their child. In fact, in our survey we show that 30.4% of respondents play with a family member in the same clan. In 8.7% of the cases the clan is entirely comprised of friends and family, and in 21.7% the clan has friends, family, and some strangers too. It turns out 58% of CoC gamers play in a clan with friends or family. Clash of Clans is a powerhouse international title that has successfully built demand in Asia and the West, and has cultivated a type of gaming behavior unbounded by culture or location, or even mobile platform. It is that rarest of birds — a game that brings families and friends together through cooperation, team building, and attracting multigenerational gamers who love the game no matter what their skill level.

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