Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Pen Tool Vs. Live Trace: The Big Comparison

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to work digitally on an image you draw by hand. You will learn two completely different ways to approach the image: through the Live Trace Tool and the Pen Tool. Two ways, two results. Learn how to take the best from both.

Pen Tool Vs. Live Trace: The Big Comparison

Along the way, I will give you some Photoshop tips, too. The first thing you'll need to know is how to manage your drawing in Photoshop and which are the best ways to prepare it for Illustrator. If you are not comfortable drawing in Photoshop, don't worry! You can download my drawing in high-resolution, skip the Photoshop step and go straight to step 2 to begin with Illustrator.

The post Pen Tool Vs. Live Trace: The Big Comparison appeared first on Smashing Magazine.

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