Thursday, December 1, 2016

Ethnic retailing is moving from niche to mainstream

Canadian consumers are changing, but too few retailers are paying attention

MDMA rolls onto the psychotherapy scene as FDA greenlights Phase III clinical trial


MDMA is a psychotropic drug of recreational abuse. Now scientists are beginning to more carefully explore its psychoactive effects, in hopes that it can be used to treat PTSD.

The post MDMA rolls onto the psychotherapy scene as FDA greenlights Phase III clinical trial appeared first on ExtremeTech.

Gear Of The Year 2016: Sound and Vision

By: Chris Haslam

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Brush Lettering: It Only Gets Better After Practice (Part 2)



In the first part of this article, we discussed the resurgence of lettering, we defined the differences between lettering, calligraphy, and typeface design, and we also discussed pens, papers, and other supplies. In this second part, I will share with you how I got started, my journey, and will also share specific tips on how to start. Let's get started.

Brush Lettering: It Only Gets Better After Practice (Part 2)

When I decided to practice lettering daily, I was a tad overwhelmed with the options: Crayola (there is even a term for it, crayligraphy), pointed pen, brushes, illustrative lettering, lettering, calligraphy (Copperplate and Spencerian), modern calligraphy, and so on. I did not know what to do or where to start.

The post Brush Lettering: It Only Gets Better After Practice (Part 2) appeared first on Smashing Magazine.